The Way Forward This is the Second quarter Progress Report on the Implementation of the 2024 Annual Action Plan. The plan implementation period  has brought to the fore various implementation challenges. This includes inability to implement specific activities that are time bound. The way forward is to ensure timely...
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation The Department of Agriculture of the New Juaben North Municipal Assembly in the Second Quarter monitored post -planting activities of farmers in the Municipality as a follow up of the pre- planting monitoring activities. The purpose was to assess the implementation and effectiveness of the...
1 Economic Development Various programmes were earmarked under economic development. The goal is to build a resilient and inclusive local economy. At the end of 2024 second  Quarter, programs aimed to support entrepreneurs had been implemented. The Department of Agriculture is currently supporting farmers with extension services for the...
2.1 Monitoring and Evaluation Activities Report The Municipal Assembly properly monitored programs and projects being implemented in the Municipality. Monitoring reports, and recommendations were presented to Management. 2.2 Update on Funding Sources and Disbursements The main sources of the revenue were Internally Generated Fund (IGF), District Assembly Common Fund...