• Highlights of Regional Weather Situation

The atmospheric weather condition for this quarter within the Municipality was misty with some continuous rains especially in May and June. The weather was mostly cloudy associated to previous quarter.

  • Rainfall and its Effect on Agriculture

Continuous and ample rainfall distribution from the onset of the quarter thus April, boosted the commencement of the crop farming season. Adequate rains from May and June also safeguarded the planting and well growth of crops which also made readily available fodder for feeding by livestock.

Table2.1: District Average Rainfall Distribution

2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2ndQuarter 2022 2nd Quarter 2023
Rainfall (mm)
No rain days 5 9 9 11 12 13 26 33

Source: DAD, Operational Areas, 2023


Relatively, more rains were recorded in this quarter compared to same quarter last year. However, rainfall amount could not be determined due to the lack of a rain gauge by the department.


  • External factors impacting on agriculture production
    • Flooding

On certain occasions, rain fell excessively and some crop fields especially on the lowlands got flooded. Crops like garden eggs, and pepper became stunted and yellowish in the saturated soil, whilst matured cabbage and okra crops were completely destroyed. Notable communities are Akwadum and Asikesu.


  • Illegal Mining (sand &gold)

Sand and stone winning is one of the external factors affecting Agricultural production. It has degraded most of the farmlands. So far affected communities are 2; Akwadum-Mpaem and Suhyen-Mpaem. Crops affected were plantain, cassava, cocoyam and cocoa.


  • Bush Fire

The quarter under review recorded no prevalence of bush fire since immense sensitization on bush fire was carried out to farmers.


  • Alien Herdsmen Activities

The quarter saw no such activity been recorded.


  • Poor Road network

Most roads leading to various farms within the Municipal are in awful state and needs stern responsiveness. Examples are Obomso (Jumapo) road, Mpaem road, Asikasu road and Akwadum road.


  • Price variation of inputs

Though generally prices of inputs on the market are not stable, this quarter recorded some form of price stability of inputs. Most farmers were giving expertise advice to take full advantage of this to help boost their production.


  • Pest & diseases

The problem of pests and diseases arise much when there is extreme drought and rainfalls. This is a general problem that affects farmers and their products at every given time. Notable infestations are FAW infestation, leaf curl and citrus canker.


  • others


2.1 Pest and Disease situation

Insect pest and diseases became rampant on crop fields for the quarter under review. AEAs however through their consistent visits advised farmers and also sent chemicals to farmers at their farm post. Also, more farmers came to the department’s office to seek for advice and control especially on FAW menace and chemicals were eagerly given out to them. The problems of pest and diseases were managed and controlled with appropriate chemicals to the satisfaction of the farmers.












  • Fall Army worm

Cases relating to FAW menace were given strict and swift response since chemicals were always obtainable. Also, AEAs were given some quantities of chemicals to be distributed in their respective Operational Areas where there were infestations.


Table2.2: Fall Army worm situation

New Juaben North Total farmland affected (Ha) Total Area Sprayed (Ha) Total Area Recovered (Ha) Total Area Destroyed


Number of farmers affected [1] Number of farmers affected
2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
  37 60.78 37 60.78 36.49 60.78 0.51 0 37 10 112 41

Source: DAD, 2023

From the table above, Army Worm infestation increased in the second quarter of the year but full recovery of farms was accomplished due to the massive sensitization reached out to farmers and also the availability of chemicals distributed to affected farmers.


  • Quantity of Chemicals Distributed under FAW

Table2.3:    Quantity of chemicals distributed

District Type of Chemical Quantity Received Quantity Distributed Unit of Measure Beneficiary Farmers Coverage           (Ha)




2022 2023 2022 2023 2023 Mls Kg M F  
Warrior Super Zukadoc 20 litres 20 litres 18.6 litres 200   43 14 29.1
Adepa Nova – BT 60 litres 160 sachets (16000 grams) 120 sachets

(12000 grams)

  0.1 69 27 31.68
Viper   72 litres              

Source: DAD, 2023


From the table above, chemical distributed thus Zukadoc and Nova BT were received during the 1st Qtr of 2023. Although the incidence of FAW infestation increased, the necessary control measures such as sensitization and chemical distribution was actively done. That is, expedite action was carried out for full recovery of infested fields.


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