To achieve the Department’s objectives, the under listed programs were pursued at the hospital during the quarter under review.


During this quarter, Ninety-one (91) cases were handled. Out of this number, fifty-nine (59) male and thirty-two (32) female clients were attended to. The breakdown is  as follows

Counseling of patients and relatives       27 18 45  
  2. Medico social report written      5 2 7  
      3. Contact with relatives/tribal head/employer        5 3 8  
      4. Recommendation for free treatment  
  5. Assisted to pay bills 4 2 6  
      6. Discharged to CDI or institutional care  
      7. Community/foster are arranged  
     8. Referred to community health for supervision  
     9. Supplied clothing  
    10. Referred to other agencies 4 2 6  
    11. Collection of salaries etc. 3 1 4  
    13. Subsistence/travel & transport  
    14. Advice on disability 6 1 7  
Dead Persons  
    15. Relatives traced for collection and burial    
    16. Recommended for pauper burial    
HIV/STD Cases  
    19. Discharged of relatives  
    20. Discharged to other institution/home etc  
    21. Contact tracing (std)  
    22. Undertaking to pay m/bills  
    23. Tracing Absconded Patients 4 2 6
    24. Referred  to DSW field staff  
    25. Counseling and reintegration of psychiatric patients 1 1 2
    26. Home visits  
    27. Others (specify)      
TOTAL          59        32 91


Counseling / Social Education with clients and significant others

Forty- five (45) Clients/Patients and their caregivers were educated and counseled on their treatment processes and their financial obligations. We also educated them on how deposit works. We made them understood that they are to commence mobilizing for funds ahead of time to enable them settle the medical bills after the patients are been  discharged.

This information is usually given to patients and their caregivers as soon as they are admitted to prevent misunderstanding and frustration after the patient is discharged.



Contact with relatives / Significant others

Eight (8) client families were reached by social workers during our daily rounds at the wards through home visits. The relatives were encouraged and appealed to support the clients/ patients financially and emotionally.

Advice on Disability

Seven (7) male and a female clients/patients were counseled by the unit before the surgical intervention as well as the prognosis.

Series of counseling sessions was held to help him understand that he could still live a normal live with artificial aids and that disability is not inability.



Assisted to collect salaries / Entitlement

Seven (7) male and female clients/ patients were assisted in several ways. Some were accompanied to withdraw money from the bank. This is to enable them settle their medical bills and other expenses at the hospital. Payment of medical bills was done for those who are not having caregivers or relatives by them.



There  was no undertaking made from the social welfare unit.

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