(5th April To 9th April, 2022) NO NAMES ( name of place eg. market) LOCATIONS (name of town) ADULTS CHILDREN TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE M F M F 1 Effiduase Ploice quarters Prisons Canteen Bobby’s Pub Roman Junction Food Vendors Household visited Eight (8) ...
INTRODUCTION It is the mandate of the Environmental Health and Sanitation Unit to ensure food safety in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the New Juaben North Municipality. On this premise, the Unit embarked on a monitoring exercise to ascertain the adherence to provisions of Ghana’s laws (to Act 29/60...
INTRODUCTION This report outlines the key activities carried out in the New Juaben North Municipality as part of efforts to improve upon sanitation of the environment. The report also provides valuable information on the sanitation status, achieved objectives and challenges during the period under review BACKGROUND OF THE NEW...
SENSITIZATION REPORTS – 2022 Community sensitization on Government Agric Policies & Programme (Flagship Programs) These activities were undertaken within the four zones in the Municipality by the Municipal Agric Director, the Management team and the AEAs. In most cases, the MCE, Hon. Comfort Asante was deeply involved as...
A number of school visits were made within the period under review to ensure proper sanitary disposal of refuse, inspection of school latrine facilities, monitoring of food vendors in the school and education on “WASH”. Health education was also carried out in some communities during the period under review...
INTRODUCTION Monitoring is a key component in Agricultural Extension delivery. It is a process of ensuring that planned activity implementation is carried out specification to meet target. The Director of Agric. (MDA) and his team set out to monitor the activities being implemented by all Agric. Extension Agents...
The promotion and construction of household toilets has been one of the major activities of the Environmental Health Unit of the municipal assembly. The unit embarked on a vigorous sensitization and promotion of household toilets. The Unit engaged Landlords and Landladies in series of health education on the need...
SENSITIZATION The department organized sensitization programs for famers at various operational areas within the Municipality. Farmers were made to understand that, due to some human activities on the environment and some natural changes in the atmosphere, climate has also changed. All these factors tend to hinder agricultural activities hence,...
Introduction Land has become a scarce resource globally, this is particularly true in the New Juaben North Municipality. The Assembly requires land to enable the undertaking of several developmental projects that could improve the infrastructural base of our communities. In view of this, the Assembly decided to claim...