Budget Unit


Head of Unit


The functions and responsibilities of the Budget Unit are to:

  • Commit the Assembly to spend within certain limits through the generation of warrants
  • Routine field inspection of projects sites to physically assess the level of work executed against certificates presented by contractors
  • Contribute to the formulation and implementation of the Municipal Assembly’s economic policies, through the provision of policy advice to the Spending Officer
  • Co-ordinate the formulation and preparation of the Assembly’s medium-term and annual Budgets and assist the Spending Officer prepare the Economic and Financial Statement of the Assembly
  • Implement the annual Budget, in conjunction with the Finance Department of the Assembly
  • Contribute to the mobilization of internal and external resources
  • Allocate the Budget financial resources efficiently, effectively and rationally to Departments and Units.
  • Account for all the Assembly’s Revenues and Expenditures under the Unit’s control or purview and undertake efficient and effective monitoring
  • Provide guidance to Departments and Units in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of expenditures and revenues
  • Lead the development and implementation of designated Budget and financial management reforms
  • Maintain and improve the human resource, asset base and institutional management capacity of the Unit.
  • Stakeholders engagement in Budget Preparation and Annual Fee-Fixing Resolution