The traditional role of field days has been to introduce farmers to new technologies and techniques to see how these technologies can be practically used and applied. It provide a platform for interaction between farmers and extension officers, this creates opportunity for them to share information, observe performance and deliberate on technology for further adoption.
Target audience
This farmer’s field day was conducted for farmers in all the four zones of the new Jauben North Municipal Assembly.
Inspection of a zero tilled Farm Observing the outcome of Demo zero Tilled Farm
The main purpose of the field days was to disseminate knowledge on:
- Mushroom production as an extra income activity to improve their standard of living.
- Zero tillage for increase yield and to mitigate climate change
- Also to help convince farmers to adopt these technologies.
Field day at a Maize Demo farm Participants at Mushroom Demo Farm
Expected outcome
The field day was expected to help farmers who participated to adopt:
- Mushroom production as alternate source of generating income.
- Zero tillage as a means to mitigate climate change and to achieve the potential economic benefits of crop production.
Facilitators indicated their appreciation to all participants present for their audience. Overall, mushroom production can offer economic opportunities to those who invest in it. It does not require farmers to acquire extra lands, they can establish it on their already existing farms. Therefore, the facilitator mentioned that it was far due for farmers to adopt the various technologies demonstrated to ensure food security, to reduce poverty and to mitigate climate change for a safe environment.