• Enhanced Land and Environment Management
  • Climate change awareness and sensitization

Table 4.1:  Climate change awareness/sensitization Training

 Activities Number of Trainings Beneficiaries Total
Male Female
*Catchment areas protection schemes (e.g. reclamation of arable land, re-afforestation, etc.) 0 0 0 0
Bush fire mitigation awareness/trainings 2 33 12 45
Overgrazing awareness and training sessions 1 6 0 6
Cropping management (e.g. Crop rotation, cover cropping etc.) 8 262 67 329
Water use management (e.g. bunding in rice fields, Drainage construction in flooded fields, Irrigation etc.) 2 37 9 46
 Perennial fruits and fodder plantation against soil erosion 0 0 0 0
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 8 262 67 329
Others …        
TOTAL 21 600 155 755

Source: DAD, 2023


In general, trainings were steered to alert farmers within various Operational Areas especially on cropping management and IPM as well as GAPs. Kraal owners were also invited at the Office and were also sensitized on Overgrazing.




  • Conservation Agriculture (CA)

Table 4.2 Crops under conservation Agriculture 

Crops Total Cropped Area  (Ha)  Area under conservation Agriculture  (Ha) % under conservation Agriculture Yield (mt/ha)
Conservation Non-conservation

Source: DAD – field data collection, 2023


No conservation agriculture demonstration has been established.


  • Conservation Agriculture Demonstrations

Table 4.3.2 indicate the level of adoption

Table 4.3.1 Conservation Agriculture demonstration

 Conservation System Target Number of Demonstrations Actual Number of demonstrations Beneficiaries
Total Male Female

NB: Examples of conservation systems are crop rotation, mulching, zero tillage, cover cropping, intercropping etc.

No conservation agriculture demonstration has been established for the quarter under review.



  • Adoption of Conservation farming Systems


Table 4.3 Conservation Systems Adopted

Systems Types of Crops Beneficiaries Total Number Adopted Total Percentage Adoption
Male Female Male Female
Crop rotation Cowpea &Maize 22 8 30 13 4 17 56.7
Mulching Maize 46 19 65 32 11 43 66.2
Zero tillage Maize 58 13 71 27 6 33 46.5
Cassava 20 3 23 9 0 9 39.1
Cover cropping Cucumber  Cowpea 15 4 19 5 1 6 31.6
Intercropping Maize & Cassava 53 23 76 34 13 47 61.8
Plantain & Cocoyam 15 2 17 7 0 7 41.2

Source: DDA, (2023)


Adoption of conservative agriculture practices is gradually rising as farmers have noticed the positive results yield in their crops.  



Management visits conservative agriculture farms



Fig 9:









  • Environmental Management


Table 4.4: Awareness/Sensitization on Environmental Management

Item Target Participants Number of trainings Beneficiaries Total
Male Female
Illegal Mining          
Water Pollution          
Stone & Sand Winning          

Source: DDA, 2023


No such sensitizations were made during the reporting quarter.


No Challenges Recommendation
1 Delay of PFJ inputs Agric. Policy Makers should speed up decisions for the input releases
2 Delay of funds from the Assembly The MMDAs should be critically monitored for earlier release of the MAG funds
3 Poor Agricultural road network Government must upgrade Agricultural road networks in the Municipal.
4 Insufficient Veterinary Technical Officers (VTOs) More VTOs should be posted to the Municipal
5 Insufficient of required AEAs More AEAs should be posted to the Municipal
6 Inadequate GoG budgetary allocation Government must endeavor to release enough GoG budgetary allocations

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