Four thousand nine hundred and twenty four (4,924) Candidates from five (5) senior high Schools in the New Juaben North Municipality on Monday 5th September, 2022, writing the West Africa Senior High School Examination.

The candidates were from (5 ) five public schools respectively, made up of 3085 males and 1839 females sat for this year’s West Africa Senior High School Certificate Examination, whiles 11 students were not present ,1 pregnant and 3 students reported dead.
The participation schools were Oyoko Methodist SHS (OMESS), SDA SHS (SEDASS), Ghana SHS (GHANASS), Koforidua Technical Institute (KOTECH) and Pope John SHS/Jnr SEM (POJOSS)
An entourage led by the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Comfort Asante, the Municipal Education Director, the Municipal Information Officer and some Education Officials toured all the five exams center’s within the Municipality.
The MCE urged all the students to answer what the questions demands but not what they think will be the answer she reiterated.
She also advised the candidates to read through the questions thoroughly before writing the answers but not just answer the questions.
She encouraged them to eschew any fear and face the exams with dedication and commitment, so as to see their dreams come through to make their parents and Government proud.

The Municipal Director for Education, Madam Beverly Bartels encouraged the students to be confident and not entertain fear, since they are the future leaders of this country and their journey to greatness and a successful life begins now so they should make the most of it, she stressed.
Story by
Elizabeth Ansaah
Municipal Information Officer.