The new Juaben north municipal assembly and the Ghana statistical service (GSS) welcome census field officers for the 2021 Population housing census (PHC) in the Municipality at Oyoko Methodist secondary school (OMESS) Assembly hall.
The Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Comfort Asante in her address advice the field officers to be focused on the work that they have been selected for such position to serve their mother Ghana and the Municipality so that good results can be achieved.
The Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. AIhaji Amadu Tijani who double as the Chairman of the District census implementation committee urge all participatory for these training to study hard on these training to become census officers for the 2021 (PHC) and to devoid any demonstration in terms of their needs and wants as their work is concern but rather if they need something they are there for them to make these 2021 population housing census excises activities comes to an end successfully and would therefore come around to check their training and solved their problems if the need arise.
The district census officer, Mr. Osei Bremang Attuahene said, the census night activity which is on 27th June, 2021, will serve as a reference point where all questions will be related to and also they will engage with the fire service and National Ambulance service which will be going round the Municipality with jingles to draw attention and host events at the national level to create awareness of the population census.
The district field officer, Mr. Anthony Appoh also took participants through about their payment issues such as payment in installment base on the stages of the programe to the end.
Story by
Elizabeth Ansaah
Municipal Information Officer